Hi everyone 👋🏽  I'm Vanessa, an enthusiastic OSINT learner with aspirations to become a professional in the field.

Recently, I took on the intriguing OSINT Exercise #027 crafted by Sofia Santos. This exercise offers a fantastic opportunity to start applying and refining your OSINT skills. Let me walk you through the challenge and my investigative process:

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a) Name the speaker. b) Identify what he was wearing on his lapel. c) Find footage of his speech.


a) Name the speaker

I started with a straightforward Google search using the event name visible on the screen:


The second search result led me to a page with an image of the man wearing a blue tie, and further scrolling confirmed his identity:



Link - [<https://oei.int/oficinas/peru/noticias/lectura-en-movimiento-en-lima-una-iniciativa-que-une-a-14-entidades-para-promover-la-lectura-en-el-pais>](<https://oei.int/oficinas/peru/noticias/lectura-en-movimiento-en-lima-una-iniciativa-que-une-a-14-entidades-para-promover-la-lectura-en-el-pais>)


<aside> 🧠 Name of the Speaker: Juan Carlos Ruiz, the director of OEI Peru.


b) Identify what he was wearing on his lapel

So now that we have the name, we can try to catch a close up on that day to identify what he was wearing.

So I refined my search to focus on him specifically:


By examining images from the event, I managed to get a detailed view of his lapel.